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I would like to most importantly thank my family, especially my sister, for understanding and never-ending support be it a cuddle or listening to me. My family are a crazy gift and I love them dearly. My two beautiful children for their love understanding and care in the first few weeks. My gorgeous girls, Jen, Emily, Sharon, Mel, Bazza and Pam who listened to me and just held me up when I needed it, as well as making me laugh out loud on a regular basis. I would like to thank Pam, Andy, Mattisse and Jen for their time giving statements to the police. DC Gavin Humphrey who dealt with my case with empathy, understanding and dignity. Sam and Andy for taking me to Greece to get away. Theo for holding my hand and cuddling me when needed. Ria my IDVA for talking me through the first few weeks and arranging the Non-Molestation order for me. Nikki and Pauline from the Freedom Project for making me stay when the first week of the 12 week programme was hard. All the other ladies on the Freedom Project – we gained so much strength from each other and watched each other grow and accept what happened. I am glad that what happened came my way instead of someone else. I am strong enough to use my life experience to help others. Let it begin.

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