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NOMORE.ORG have launched a campaign to highlight how verbal abuse will lead to physical abuse. A new 'Alexa' has been designed to recognise verbal abuse.

The Themis Project has been involved with the marketing of this product to help get the message across that verbal abuse is wrong and will eventually result in physical violence. The full article, with real life examples of how the abuse develops is below. This is written in the hope that it will enhance public understanding of the subtleties of DA and potentially help victims recognise the signs and get out before its too late. 

The Themis Project was also involved in the appointment of an IDVA in some of Kents hospitals - Claires story highlighted the need of an IDVA after the experience in hospital affected the prosecution of her perpetrator. 

The Power of Verbal Abuse in Domestic Abuse Relationships and how it leads to violence.

Article - written by Claire Oosthuizen

download pdf below

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